Sunday, September 8, 2013

Computers For Our Steam World

when you are in the steampunk scene you will see certain things that are typical steampunk wishes: special guns, clothes, ships, and very importantly computers! if you are an inventor and you need a contraption that will keep up with your high tech world by holding all your ideas in it, as well as being able to type up your formal papers what do you do? invent the computer of course!!

  i really like this one because of  the giant machine to the side that powers it. this is the way i would envision a steampunk computer: something that would be very bulky (ie not portable), its keyboard is a modified typewriter, and the screen is either thin (using a special technology) or it has a small box projecting out the image through a large light bulb-shaped screen.
 inventors need a way of passing their ideas to each other. how do they make copies of their designs? how do they tell each other in great detail how things work? they use their special flash drives that store information though the use of gears and cogwheels.
this is a wrist computer. where have we heard of that one befor? (fallout's pip-boy)

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